Image shows a heartbeat like an EKG machine


We Do


Sober mentoring homes based in Oklahoma, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Texas and North Carolina

Finding Hope

A support group for loved ones of addicts and alcoholics

Hope After Loss

Hope After Loss helps people process their emotions from losing a loved one to addiction so that they can move forward on the journey of healing and restoration.


Find different resources to help the addict and those that love them.


The Hope is Alive team is here to help you navigate your journey with addiction.

Treatment Placement

Do you know that when you search Drug & Alcohol Treatment on Google over 898 million results come back? How are you to know where to send your loved one? What facilities you can trust? And how to even start the process?

This new venture for HIA is set to provide an intentional, six month program for addicted individuals all across the country.

Church Partnerships

A 24/7 advocate for your staff and church family impacted by addiction

Corporate Partnerships

A program to provide an avenue to help employees and their families affected by addiction, as well as many volunteer opportunities for all staff.