run for hope 2025

Remembering those lost to Addiction

Run for Hope is coming up! This annual, family-friendly fundraiser to benefit our Finding Hope and Hope After Loss programs is always an incredible time, but it’s always worth reminding ourselves why we run.


We don’t run to escape the pain that addiction has caused in our world—instead, we run to embrace the good memories of our loved ones. When we run, we remember and honor the joy, the life, the goodness they brought to us. Their stories become vibrant once more.

Run for Hope will be here September 6 with three in-person event locations: Oklahoma City, Tulsa, and Weatherford (or you can run virtually anywhere in the world). In addition to the regular 5K or the one-mile walk/run, we’ll have food trucks, face painting, games, and tons of other fun, family-friendly stuff. And all of it benefits the life-changing work done by our Finding Hope and Hope After Loss support groups.

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